encrypted email
Zimbra has a "zimlet" that shows up on under preferences in redtail email that would allow redail users to send secure encrypted email when sending sensitive data. While users can check the box, Redtail has not currently enabled this feature. It would be great if they would . Encrypted email: I noted that someone else suggested this and support told then to integrate with a third party system. It would be great so stay in the redtail/zimbra ecosystem and not have to use a 3rd party. Here is an article from zimbra that shows up in redtail email but is not yet enabled. I am putting 3 votes to get this turned on. https://www.zimbra.com/email-server-software/email-encryption/

More information is needed internally before a decision can be made. Nothing is needed from Redtail clients at this time. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jessi D commented
There are different types of TLS encryption. Our understanding is that Redtail uses a type that does not encrypt emails for all users. So we’d like to submit a request – if Redtail ever has the option to upgrade its TLS to be mandatory for all emails with error handling, we would definitely appreciate that level of encryption!