Ability to add Index from Retriever for Imaging.
It would save me SO MUCH time if I could add institutional indexes from retriever. Maybe as an option with a right-click? I feel like there should be a "quick-index" feature where I can automatically index 4-5 fields (that I can set in my preferences/settings)for faster indexing and bulk uploading.

This suggestion is either not possible or not planned at the current time. Technology changes all the time though!
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
In Retriever, hover over "imaging" at the top of the page, then "manage your account" and then "modify indexes". There you can add anything you want the way you want it. Hope that helps!
Licia Colamussi commented
Please include the ability to add personal indexes within the Retriever for Imaging 2 - it would save us valuable work time. Actually something that would save us even more time is if you add the option to save the indexes as a template under each client so we can just apply with a click of a mouse!