Suzanne Rodriguez
My feedback
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10 votes
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545 votes
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I dont know if this will help, but I always create my mail merge documents with "Family name" instead of just first name and spouse first name. it seems to work really well, but your records have to reflect the family name on the head of household only. you cannot have a family name on both client records or it messes up. there is a trick to adding the salutation that I can ehlp you with if you need it.
1,374 votes
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
166 votes
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I just tried this again to see if maybe there was an upgrade. I did a form for a joint account and all the spouse info filled in correctly, address, phone, etc. I HAVE noticed recently that when I add couples in CRM at the same time, for some reason the address and phone do not "share" with the spouse. That might have everything to do with it not showing up in Laser Ap. The clients I just did this for show a shares address for the spouse and her stuff showed up on the application. I guess it all depends on how the contact records are set up.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I see what you are saying. By your first comment, I thought that nothing was coming through. I must not use forms that ask for that info, because I didnt know that it would come through. I do have issues sometimes with phone numbers, but other than that, most everything comes through as long as the contact are in the household. there was an old request a while ago that some guy wasn't getting I figured he didn't have his contacts set up correctly. I just tried a form that asked for a DL and I had to insert it, so I guess it doesn't pull that info. I suppose we should be happy with a program like Laser Ap a LOT of time!!!
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I have seen these requests before for "exporting" Laser Ap and I truly don't understand them. I have no problems at all with info pulling into Laser ap. I'm not sure how you people are doing it, but I never have to type in address or phone numbers at any time as long as the family members are in the household record. I guess I don't understand the exporting. I just open Laser ap and there everything is. Weird!
1,973 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Paulette, yes it is an IRS requirement FOR THE is merely a courtesy that we remind our clients to take them. If you have your records clean and all marked as they should (YOU MUST MANUALLY MARK ACCOUNTS AS QUALIFIED AS THAT IS HOW THEY COME OVER FROM DTS OR WHEREVER), you only need one quicklist, as I do. People forget that Redtail is only as good as you make it. Almost everything that is IN RT is done manually. If you create a quicklist to search for clients over 69 with tax Q accounts, anyone that falls into that category in the future will also automatically added to that list. UDF's do not work for this. I don't have a problem with this because all of my accounts are coded correctly.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I cant imagine a manual database such as Redtail showing automatic disbursements that your back office should be doing. Everything in Redtail is a manual process to set up, so you would have to set up those reminders yourself, just like I do. There is nothing "automatic" in CRM that isn't put there by you.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Hm, I'm sorry that doesn't work, Paulette! I just ran a fresh search (because my quick list was created in Classic Redtail) and came up with 177 records. When you right click on one of your IRA accounts and edit, do you have the field for "tax-qualified type" as a traditional IRA? Can you do a search for just those? If it still comes up zero, something is not right. Sorry I wasn't of any help, but it does work for me.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I know this is frustrating, but you have to realize that a CRM is a manual process. YOU have to make sure all of your account are coded as qualified and you have to make sure birth dates are all in. It takes time to update your database, but once you have it done, maintaining it is a breeze. All you have to do is create a quicklist with the criteria "account tax qualified type = traditional (create quicklists for each tax Q type), AND age greater than 69 AND client status = client or open or active, however you call your open clients. Once you have this quicklist created, any new clients will automatically fall into that category. YOU MUST have your account coded properly or it wont work!!!!
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Kathryn, a better way to do that is do a quicklist of client over age 69, not 70, beacuse it will NOT include those that are turning 70 1/2. This way, any new clients will automatically fall into the quicklist. You will need to make sure all of those clients have their IRA's marked qualified, so you know they even have an IRA.
192 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
You COULD always just TAG your records to show they have imaged docs. There are so many important features being suggested out there, this one is so simple and is easily obtainable just by doing it yourself.
426 votes
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
18 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I do know that if you unclick the closed account box on the accounts page, they will not show up on the bene report. the other things you would have to manually edit since this is a manual system.
225 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
You can! If you look at your client record you will see a little flag under the red word "home" in the address box. right click on that and "map address". It's awesome!
177 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
That option is under "misc. Personal Information" on the contact dashboard. Not sure if you can search for it though, but at least the field is there for you to place the maiden name.
495 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I agree. The ben report that is available only allows names. It is frustrating to have to pull up prior forms to see bene info if we are doing a new account.
Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Well, since you have to type the name anyway, why dont you just type "Jane Doe, Granddaughter".
300 votes
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I agree 100%. I have been keeping that info in important information, but the list can get very long over the years. A contribution report is a great idea and I give you 3 votes!
932 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Have you seen the beneficiary report? If you go to your accounts tab then double click on the account # you can add the beneficiaries. When you are all done with each account, go back to the accounts tab and over to the right is a pdf of a bene report. It looks pretty nice. It does not do a family report which is kind of a bummer, but at least you have a nice looking report to present to clients.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I had the same concerns. I've only used seminar management one time so far, and what I did was added Keywords to each of the groups, whether it was "confirmed", "declined" or "no-response". Then you can search for the keyword you want rather than filtering through a list of say 100 or so people. I agree there should be an easier way, so I'll give you 3 votes!
Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I'm just happy to be able to do ANY type of custom report. I think we are lucky to finally have this capability.
189 votes
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
463 votes
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I agree, but for the time being, we have to use the HOH record. You can still do the spouse's ap, you just have to remember to insert them in ALL the boxes where they will need their info, including signature page. I've accidentally done this and forgot to insert spouses name there. I have to say, Laserap is the best thing next to white bread if you ask me. Makes for nice, clean forms!
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
That sounds like a great idea. I have a suggestion in the meantime: if you go to LaserAp under the head of household record, anyone you have in the family will show up in the list and you can choose which person you would like as bene. When you click on the insert buttons on the forms, it pops up a list of all the members of the household and you can choose from there which person you would like on the form. Good luck!
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
hmmm...not sure why you HAVE to go to head of household. Maybe it's the way you have your records set up. I have no problem. Sorry you are....because I think Laser Ap is one of the best things to happen to the "fillable form world".
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I just went into this directly from the spouses record, and ALL her info came up. I'm not sure why you are having a problem with this. When you go to laser ap from HOH, of course you will have to select the other person's info,. If you are doing a form specifically for the spouse, just go in through THEIR record. Simple.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I just tried it with my family and it works fine. Like Brian said, you need to go into laserap from the head of household. also make sure your address and phone numbers are shared with the HOH (you should see a little link next to the extended family address).
1,280 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
You should just create an activiy instead of trying to change the review.
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Great idea, Josie. We do it in a similar manner, but I print the report on the 1st and the 15th of each month. We only have reviews scheduled on those particular dates each month so that we don't miss anyone. My boss then decided who needs a review now and who we can roll over. Great idea with the codes though..I'm going to pass that along to my boss. Thanks!
Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
107 votes
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Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
73 votes
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I personally think the accounts tab is way to crowded as it is. There is actually a beneficiary report you can do, but first you have to manually add the benes to each account (yes, Redtail is a MANUAL system). If you double click on the account and scroll down the page a bit, you can see where to add bene's. Once you have them for all the accounts, go back to the account page and click on bene report. It is really nice and we present that to all of our clients during their meeting.
254 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I would like to see nieces and nephews under that as well. Some people DO open accounts for other family members, so it would be nice to have them linked as such since they are probably not dependents.
Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
97 votes
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
An error occurred while saving the comment Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I also find that cumbersome. You have to not only change their status, you have to remove them from tag groups, change their review date to null and cancel all activities. I think it would be difficult for Redtail to actually accomplish this because everyone has different criteria when it comes to maintaining their contact. This is such a manual process and I don't think people understand that. There really is nothing automatic when you think about it.
Suzanne Rodriguez supported this idea ·
Are you telling me that Tailwag does not have individual note reports????? In CRM, you click on "view all" and off to the right is a hyperlink to pdf of the notes report. That is NOT good if they do not have that in Tailwag!!!!