Make Retriever for Imaging Mac-Compatible
Any progress yet with making Retriever compatible with a Mac for uploading docs into Imaging? Our office is migrating to Macs and it'd be nice to have the quick drop with Retriever when we need to efile a large portion of documents.

This suggestion is either not possible or not planned at the current time. Technology changes all the time though!
Anonymous commented
Redtail appears to be intentionally misleading all of this on this issue. @Tara...why would it take two years to design such a solution? I'm not a programmer...but I could read a book on programming and get this done in under two months. I've been pushing for Redtail CRM to sync directly with Google and/or Apple for years...Redtail always says that it this "in development". Either you guys at Redtail are terrible programmers, or you are being untruthful about your efforts. My money is on untruthful. I would much rather you guys state you have decided not to support Google/Apple rather than say that you or a third party are working on it. The lies make you look incompetent. Also...feel free to follow up with me on my comments. We can discuss the competency level and professional ethics of your organization.
Anonymous commented
Redtail Imaging R2 for mac
Ryan Sheppard commented
The next couple of years? It's 2014, and that is an unacceptable timeline for calendar syncing to a Mac. You're a CRM company for cryin' out loud! Redtail needs to get it's head out the sand.
Anonymous commented
Really, please don't end the sentence with "next couple of years!" with an exclamation point. It excites no one...
Timothy James McNeely commented
Please please please...
Mt commented
2nd that!! Brand new user somewhat questioning Redtail.
William Pitney commented
An increasing number of us are using some combination of Mac and iPhone and/or iPad.
Currently, there is no way to sync these Apple devices directly to Redtail CRM without using Outlook and Desktop Retriever as the go between.
The current setup creates an unnecessary dependency on Outlook and Windows. When the dependency breaks as it sometimes will, it results in unnecessary frustration and staff/advisor time to fix.
It would be extremely beneficial if Redtail could eliminate the dependency on Outlook and Windows and make it possible for Mac users to sync directly (in both directions) to their calendar, contacts and tasks without worrying about breaking something because of Windows.
Matt commented
Why was this declined?
Anonymous commented
I can't believe this comment was submitted Oct 28, 2011 and is still under review a year later. Many people are moving to Apple products every day (including our company). The minute we can become PC-less we are gone. And that guides our current and future purchases for software and services. If you don't support it, we don't buy it and that includes financial software. It's worth a vote.
Mike commented
This is an absolute must and a major deal breaker if Redtail's functions are not compatible with Mac - we are looking at google apps and some others, which are compatible.Who isn't using an iPhone and/or iPad? Now with the ability to sync your iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, many people are starting to use Macs.
Kathryn Reh commented
Be able to use Retriever for Imaging on Mac.