Search Function in Imaging
be able to search imaging with Rolodex by letter at top... not SCROLL or search ALL files

This suggestion is either not possible or not planned at the current time. Technology changes all the time though!
Carla commented
either one of these idea's would be speed things up! Please consider these options.
Jerry commented
Alphabet across top of page to take us to that section of Imaging files. Search is too cumbersome. Just a quick click on the Letter "L" for example to take me to the files that begin with "L"
Easy and a huge time saver.
Joe LeBlanc commented
At the very least, the FOLDERS should come up first in the search results, not all the sub-documents inside the folders.
Joe LeBlanc commented
At the very least the FOLDERS should be at the top of the search results, not all the sub-documents.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to jump to different letters of the alphabet when viewing client folders rather than having to scroll through all the client folders.
A directory of the alphabet alongside of the screen where I can select a specific letter and then zoom to that section. This would be helpful.
Scott commented
As a Redtail Imaging client with a large customer database, waiting for our entire customer list to be populated in a browser as we link client folders to client CRM records can be very frustrating and time consuming.
What would be the effort required to make an enhancement to offer Redtail Imaging clients such as ourselves the option to load either the entire database or allow us to select those clients with a last name starting with a specific letter? Then we could choose just those clients with a last name beginning with A to link those. Then we could move to G and link those new customers, S to link just those, etc. Then once the link was completed we would go back to the option to choose a different letter or select the entire database.
This would allow us not to have to wait so long for re-population of a list to begin linking another client. It would save time and frustration on our part, and allow you to offer this scalability feature to other "large database" customers.
I have a spare workstation to do link client folders to CRM contacts to avoid tying up my workstation to wait on the list. However I am foiled on that spare workstation because I often time out within RedTail Imaging and have to begin the whole process once again.
Thanks for considering this time-saving and efficient feature/enhancement. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the idea. I hope I provide enough detail framework. I hope this is a rather easy change to consider and develop. I would love to help test it out.
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
When we first got imaging back in 2009, we actually have Redtail create A-Z folders for us to add our folder and files to. It's quite a project if you now have a lot of folders, but you can create those yourself on the "file management" tab. Good luck!
Terry Allen commented
Add the alphabet across the top in imaging so I can click "W" to pull up all clients whose last name begins with "W". Albridge has this feature and it saves a lot of time. I shouldn't have to scroll beginning from "A" every time I want to retrieve scanned docs for a client.