Linking Client Records
I am getting used to the new imaging system but would like it if the cursor would auto populate in the boxes we are going to type in. When I go to link a client record to a folder, I have to place my cursor in the box instead of it just being there. That would be nice if you could update that. I know it's a little thing, but it goes a lot faster if you don't have to keep moving your mouse.

Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I posted this in the imaging feedback forum, but it doesn't seem to be looked at as much as the CRM forum.
I am getting used to the new imaging system but would like it if the cursor would auto populate in the boxes we are going to type in. When I go to link a client record to a folder, I have to place my cursor in the box instead of it just being there. That would be nice if you could update that. I know it's a little thing, but it goes a lot faster if you don't have to keep moving your mouse.