Redtail Speak
Welcome to our Redtail Speak feedback forum, where you can add suggestions about how to make our chat app better!
Add ideas of your own on how we can improve Redtail Speak, and browse the ideas of fellow Speak users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
7 results found
Need to filter view by team for admins
For those of us who administrate with 15 users in one database, all set to different teams with different permissions, we NEED to be able to filter our view by team. A little dropdown or otherwise.
3 votes -
Add the client's nickname in the searchable name field
Add the client's nickname in the searchable name field. My assistant is not as familiar with my client's preferred name so this would help immensely!
1 vote -
Auto add user to new text threads
As a SPEAK user, allow me to be automatically joined to all text rooms.
Example: An admin invites clients but advisor wants to be automatically part of the conversation w/o having to add manually to each.
6 votes -
Automatically Add Contacts Who Text Me First
As it is, when someone texts me first I have to send them an invitation and they have to accept it before I can respond to their text. When they text me first, a separate invitation should not be required. Then the conversation would just flow from their initial text.
3 votes -
Instant Messaging
Instant messaging between users in RedTail. Like slack but within RedTail.
1 vote -
international numbers for speak
Would like to be able to use Speak for clients that are located internationally with International phone numbers. Disappointed that it can not be currently used for these clients.
3 votes -
SPEAK feature would be even better if I can text two or more people at the same time, as clients who are hus/wife want same communication
SPEAK feature would be even better if I can text two or more people at the same time, as clients who are hus/wife want same communication
40 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
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