Josh Steinberg
My feedback
1 result found
545 votes
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Josh Steinberg supported this idea ·
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Why are you limiting the merge fields in the CRM? People requested this almost five years ago and it still has not changed? ( We need basic fields like Tax Id (Spouse Tax ID), Primary Phone Number (Spouse Primary Phone Number), Spouse Date of Birth, Etc... This is a basic function of the CRM, why do you have limits at all? People should be able to map any field in the database. You developers need to get on the ball, it would be a very simple fix. Someone on your support team said the "locked" out certain fields.. why do that? We just switched to RedTail, it is a great system, except in this area which seems like should be common, basic feature. It makes me want to switch to a different CRM. Please do not post a response about using a "Custom Export", that is just extra work for your customers that is completely unnecessary. If you developers are un-willing to make the changes, please hire new developers that actually care about the customers being able to use the product in basic ways...