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143 results found

  1. Broadcast Email Font capabilities

    There should be a way to change the font size within the broadcast email that does not put the font in bold print. Currently when you change the format to a Heading sized font it all is received in bold. It would be useful to have the option to simply change the font size as we send emails to some older clients who need larger font. Ticket number: 1174480

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  2. Albridge feed

    Albridge feed improvements. When accounts come into the unlinked section the account title is visible, but once they are linked there is not any title. It seems like you could create a field for that to populate into the clients account section since it does come over in the feed.

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    This suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!

  3. Search for nearby clients list or map view

    Ex: Agent has to drive 1 hour away for an appointment that will only take 10-15 minutes and would like to make better use of his time, Redtail should have a function that allows Agent to see other clients in that area so that he can attempt to schedule multiple appointments in the same area easily. Now he is able to meet a client for his annual review meeting on his way back rather than driving all the way back out there in 2 weeks"

    It would be nice if Redtail had a way to find other clients that live…

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  4. Add global time zones

    We have clients globally and the lack of time zones is really problematic in using the CRM fully.

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  5. Make Albridge downloads more detailed; they are too basic.

    Albridge downloads should include company name, account or product type, holding details and how the account is titled. Currently all we get is an account number and account value.

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    This suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!

  6. Add more Automation Triggers

    It would be nice to have the following workflow triggering event.
    1. Account Status Change - If an account is marked closed it would be great to trigger a workflow.
    2. Marital Status change - This would be nice to trigger a workflow any time a client gets married, gets divorced, etc.

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  7. Timer

    Create a "History Time Spent" report, showing the time spent on tasks billed by the hour (i.e. financial planning).

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  8. notes report filter

    Please add the ability to also filter the type of activity. We can filter the category (review, acct notes, general, etc) but not specific activities. I would like to have a report where I can see the notes that may relate to the review category but only want notes for the appointment activity and not see notes for phone calls and others. I can run an activity report but the only notes that show there are anything entered in the description box, not any notes that have been attached.

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  9. Reports > Contacts > No Contact > Add Writing Advisor Filed

    We have 14 Financial Advisors... so this report is useless without knowing which client is serviced by whom. It would work much better if we could filter by writing Advisor.

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  10. Workflow Complete Triggers Additional Workflow

    Completion of one workflow should be able to be a trigger event to another workflow. This would allow an automated bridge to connect related workflows.

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    8 comments  ·  Automations  ·  Admin →
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  11. Notify users that an opportunity has been added

    When and opportunity is created, users/assignee should be notified. As of now, the only way one would find out that there is a new opportunity is if they click on the opportunity tab.

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  12. Automations IF conditions...

    Why are we unable to use any of the IF conditions across the different trigger events? EX for a trigger event of Activity Added, I can only use IF conditions that revolve around Activities. A trigger event of Contact Status change will only allow IF conditions revolving around Contact information.

    What I need is the ability to have a trigger of an Activity Added allow me to use IF conditions from Contact info, such as category, status etc.

    Summary: If the IF conditions are available in one instance they should be available in all instances it seems.

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  13. Notify User in Note

    Please make it to where we can check status of who was notified during a note creation. Many times we have advisors put notes and cannot remember if they notified admin to complete. It would be very helpful to have a record of who was notified and when.

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    4 comments  ·  Notes  ·  Admin →
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  14. automation opportunity - Change stage updates contact status

    Using the Opportunities section is tedious. To help reduce all the manual inputs, when an Opportunity Stage is changed to Closed-LOST, have the system update the contacts Status to the appropriate category. It would also be helpful to have lost inactive. It would be great if, stage changed to WON, trigger automation to update contact status to client.

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  15. Workflow - Linked Accounts

    Workflows - subject details to include account numbers:
    We are setting up workflows to trigger based off of account numbers and account types. Workflows on contact level or when you run the workflow report currently do not show the account number. This is an issue if there are more than one workflows triggered at once. Yyou would then have to click into the workflow to see notes or details or rely to where you are within the workflow which is not great. There should be a way for the account number to show within the subject of each workflow once…

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    8 comments  ·  Workflows  ·  Admin →
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  16. If conditions true options in automation

    Love to see more options in the "If...conditions true" lists.. such as:

    Category = (A, A+, B etc)
    Date of birth is equal to, greater than, less than

    So much more can be done with these automations!!

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  17. Expand Conditions for Automating Permissions / Roles

    Currently, you can automate Permissions when a contact is added for users and teams.
    Now that Roles can also be also be assigned during the contact creation process, this should also be an Automation Condition option.
    For example, when a new Prospect is entered in the system, if a user forgets to assign the Permissions / Roles, then they can be automatically assigned based on the Servicing/Writing advisor conditions.

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  18. Advanced Search Contact Status Operand - Please add "Contains" it will make searching SOO much easier

    Advanced Search Contact Status Operand - Please add "Contains" it will make searching SOO much easier. For example I want to search for Clients, we have several client - type this would make it much easier.

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  19. Set Roles when Creating new Contact

    When adding a new contact, we can set the permissions (which is a great addition, thank you!) but you can't set the roles without going into the contact page. It would be useful to be able to set the roles there in the create screen because we have workflows that automate when a new contact is added. Right now they default to one person, because if the workflow automates and the roles aren't set, it assigns to no one. If the roles are set in the contact creation screen the the workflow could be assigned to the appropriate person based…

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  20. UDF Reports - Selecting Specific UDF Fields for an client we want to export into a pdf

    We want to utilize the UDF fields for our client meetings and be able to print out certain fields, such as RMD, Systematic Withdrawals, Contributions, Etc...As of now, we can only choose ONE UDF or ALL the UDF fields to export into a pdf. We would love to be able to have the option of which UDF field we want to export as a pdf. And no, a custom export will not work for what we are trying to accomplish, we need a pdf format for what we are trying to accomplish.

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