Tom Neumann
My feedback
1 result found
414 votes
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Tom Neumann supported this idea ·
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The calendar on the Redtail App is completely worthless. It isn't even acessible most of the time from my iphone and when I input appointments using the app, they disappear. We switched to Redtail to be able to have mobile access to ramp up our outside sales activities and we are dead in the water. The app is lunky, slow, inefficient, and has NONE of the BASIC integration with google, iphone, outlook, maps, or native web browsers that you would expect from "The leader in CRM technology". Feels like we were duped by the sales person that we met at a conference that convinced us Redtail was going to be able to do all of this and more