Make it easier to move files from folder to folder
When moving a file from one folder to another on Redtail Imaging, you cannot move more than one file at a time. Additionally, when trying to move files, you must go through each folder, which is extremely time consuming. There should be an easier process for moving files through Redtail Imaging.

New Imaging has a much-improved way to move files (in bulk too).
Anonymous commented
Not being able to move multiple folders at once is extremely tedious and time-consuming. For instance, I want to make alphabetized folders for clients (all clients with last names A-C are in one folder, etc.) However, I have to move each and every client separately and it's taking forever. It would be a lot more efficient if you could simply drag and drop multiple clients into a designated folder.
Grace commented
Please make it easier to move files from one folder to another. It is very frustrating when moving a while to have to go through all of my client's ad go in to select the exact folder I want
Rhiannon commented
Make it possible to RENAME & MOVE multiple items at once in Imaging.
Anonymous commented
Redtail - Please provide update on this!
Samantha commented
This job was "planned" in January 2016. Its been well over a year since, so any updates Redtail?? We would like to capability to move/delete/whatever images in bulk please!
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
What do you mean folders? Keywords? Quicklists? tag groups?
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to be able to move multiple folders at once. (For Example: If I want to create a folder "A" and move all the clients who's last names start with A into that folder, I currently have to do it one at a time. Having over 200 client files, that means over 200 individual moves, instead of 26.) And that doesn't just apply to alphabetizing... I would like to have the ability to select multiple client folders and move them from one library to another... or to from one folder in a library to another folder... or just to reorganize for any reason...
Manuel Burkhardt-Apolonio commented
RedTail Imaging: Create ability to move documents between folders more freely like in Google Drive.
Holly W commented
Barb Lamont commented
Drag and drop an image from a folder to another folder would save lots of time, especially when we have numerous files to move. If not, it would be nice to be able to click on numerous images and move them all to another folder at the same time instead of one-by-one. Too time consuming the way it is now.
Chris Makosch commented
Organizing files and folders in imaging is tedious work. A drag and drop functionality will make the process of organizing much more efficient. This functionality will remove numerous steps just to move one file.
Trevor commented
Drag and drop files to organize within redtail imaging .... why can't this be done. Redtail "retriever" doesn't work for the new CRM... broken database. Please fix it.
Anonymous commented
When I have to make a new folder in imaging and move documents into the folder, each document has to be individually moved. It would be nice to be able to select multiple files and move all at once.
Anonymous commented
imaging file handling, specifically drag and drop multiple files at once
Jon commented
this idea is over 5 years old, are there any plans to allow us to make mass edits/deletions/moves?
Bre Robinson commented
Allow users to be able to move more than one document at a time in Red Tail Imaging - drag and drop or some type of select and move all functionality.
Anonymous commented
It is annoying and time consuming to only be able to move or delete one file at a time in Imaging. Please enhance the system to do this for multiple files at the same time,
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Use Retriever. you can move as many docs as you want to at one time.
Anonymous commented
please allow me to select multiple files and move them in bulk to a new folder.
Anonymous commented
YES - Please!!! This would save SOO much time