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Redtail Speak

Welcome to our Redtail Speak feedback forum, where you can add suggestions about how to make our chat app better!

Add ideas of your own on how we can improve Redtail Speak, and browse the ideas of fellow Speak users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
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46 results found

  1. SPEAK feature would be even better if I can text two or more people at the same time, as clients who are hus/wife want same communication

    SPEAK feature would be even better if I can text two or more people at the same time, as clients who are hus/wife want same communication

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  2. speak window

    Before the new version, the Speak window would overlay on top of the main RT page. Our company is largely remote and uses Speak exclusively for internal messaging purposes. We decided to use Speak instead of Slack specifically because we did not want to have another tab/window open. The new version requires us to open another tab for the application. Could we have the option to keep the Speak window within the same tab?

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  3. Speak Alert in CRM

    Under the old speak when there were unread messages there was a notification of the number of unread speak messages in the CRM Speak icon (three dots). This no longer happens. You must have the speak window open to get a notification, which is not optimal. It takes me much longer to notice speak message notifications than before.

    I would like to have speak notifications be made in the CRM window where they used to be, since the CRM is always open.

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  4. Redtail Speak

    For the Redtail Speak, it would be great to integrate a phone number that the advisor is already using. Our clients have gotten used to texting our advisors at their current number, so it would be great to continue using that number.

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  5. Invite multiple clients at once to Speak

    Being able to invite multiple clients to Speak at once would be very helpful! If we want to invite, say, all of our "A" clients to communicate via Speak, we currently have to go through and manually invite every one one at a time, which is a huge pain and very time consuming! We should be able to select multiple clients at once or select a tag group and invite them all at once since we can only have one invitation message anyway.

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  6. speak

    When you send a invite to a contact, automate a workflow so you can keep track of the contacts that have been sent an invite and then update the contact once they accept the invite.

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  7. Improve SPEAK notifications

    I miss most of my client-initiated SPEAK messages bc I am not getting any notifications. Can you force notifications through to the CRM panel somehow when inactive? At least update the "minutes until inactive" to include all day instead of max 60 minutes? I also don't get any sound notification on my iPhone...ever.

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  8. Join all team members into client's Speak room

    We are a team of four and each of us would like to joint a client's Speak room to get notifications. Right now, whenever I add a client to Speak, I have to ensure each team member also goes in and joins the room once it is connected. Is there a way to automatically join all four of us at once?

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  9. Redtail Speak, please add ability for administrators to view all conversations and have overview of which individuals are enrolled.

    Provide administrators with an overview of client activations of Redtail Speak. Have the ability to view conversations initiated by other users for compliance oversight. Need the ability to monitor text exchanges to ensure compliance with SEC directives.

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  10. It would be very useful to be able to message a team of users

    Speak: It would be very useful to be able to message a team of users or multiple users in one chat. Not the feature now of a public channel that is has to be created and one join, but simply be able to message more than one person at a time. We'd love to see it function akin to iMessaging.

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  11. Redtail Speak - Display Year Text was Sent/Received

    Would like to be able to see the year a text was sent/received directly in Redtail Speak. We can see it in Redtail Speak History, but would like the year shown inside of Speak itself when texting.

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  12. Speak Alert in CRM

    Under the old speak when there were unread messages there was a notification of the number of unread speak messages in the CRM Speak icon (three dots). This no longer happens. You must have the speak window open to get a notification, which is not optimal. It takes me much longer to notice speak message notifications than before.

    I would like to have speak notifications be made in the CRM window where they used to be, since the CRM is always open.

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  13. Speak phone numbers for each user & Live Chat feature for website

    There needs to be an assigned phone number for each user because we have adviser's all over the country that want a number in their area code.
    Also, make a Live Chat feature that we could add to our website that would allow clients to start a text conversation right from the website that would transition to their phone once they fill out the necessary info to initiate the conversation.

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  14. 16 votes

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  15. Speak email notifications

    It would be be extremely helpful to receive email alerts for incoming speak messages.

    If one is not logged into speak we have no way of being notified of incoming messages in a timely manner.

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  16. Speak notifications

    It would be great with the new speak to notifications within the CRM like we did with the old version

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  17. speak

    Speak text communications should be automatically recorded in redtail notes at the end of the day so everyone in the team can see the communication happening with the clients and respond to client or let other team member know to respond as applicable.

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  18. Email Notification for Speak

    Get either an email notification that a client has sent a text in Speak or maybe a daily summary of unread client texts in Speak.

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  19. While RT "Speak" is useful for public forum discussion, offering collaborative functionality through "Private Team Rooms" would be great.

    While RedTail "Speak" is useful for public forum discussion, offering collaborative functionality through "Private Team Rooms" would be great! Potentially grant an admin the permission to create a team room, and assign appropriate members to a private team as a collaboration tool.

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  20. Use tag groups in Speak

    Use tag groups in Speak. This way you can send a bulk message to a particular tag group and as you add to the tag group, you don't have to also add them in the broadcast message in speak. It's just done automatically as it pulls data from the tag group.

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