Notify User in Note
Please make it to where we can check status of who was notified during a note creation. Many times we have advisors put notes and cannot remember if they notified admin to complete. It would be very helpful to have a record of who was notified and when.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Annie Furst commented
It would be helpful to know if you previously notified a user/team in a note made under a contact. It only shows the user who added the note, so there's no record of notifying anyone else regarding the note.
Paul Molina commented
I would also recommend adding an option to notify user after the note is created.
Maybe like an icon of a bell. -
Jan Stewart commented
When we put a note in Redtail and tag it as customer service, we sometimes use the feature of sending an e-mail to someone on our team. We think it would be helpful to be able to go back and see if we did indeed send a person an e-mail, if the note had been put in a few days ago. This would help us to not keep reminding the person, if indeed the e-mail had been sent already.
C. Landers commented
include the name(s) of the recipients of a note at the bottom of the note! Sometimes it's important to review who received the note