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137 results found

  1. I would love hidden workflow templates

    Hidden templates
    For workflow queens like myself I would love the option to hide my templates that I have very personalized to my daily tasks. With the numerous workflows I want to personalize I and my entire office would prefer these to not be visible to the entire office because then they have to weed through my workflows and vice versa. Thank you!

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  2. Add Hidden Workflow Templates

    Hidden Workflow Templates.

    I don't mind sharing my templates but I am a workflow queen so I am looking to create many personalized templates for my tasks to stay on top of my work load. However, I don't want other people to have to weed through my personalized templates to find their templates and vice versa. So private templates would be a fabulous addition. Please, thank you, and have a marvelous day :)

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  3. Workflow Automation

    When an activity is created by another app (OnceHub), we manually change the activity to a more specific, custom activity type (Inquiry call) which is linked to an automated workflow (Inquiry call workflow), but RedTail doesn't recognize that as a newly created activity, so it doesn't launch the automation and start the workflow. Please update the automation to treat activity type change as a newly created activity so it can trigger the automation because the automations are useless without it

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  4. For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner

    For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner

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  5. For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner

    For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner

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  6. Add the ability to change the status of a workflow to Inactive

    We sometimes encounter instances where we cannot move forward with a workflow. Our only option is to delete the workflow, losing all processing notes, or complete the workflow, which creates inaccurate processing notes. This would also allow us to reactivate the workflow if needed.

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  7. Group workflows together

    We need to be able to group workflows. This is because the workflow list can get very long and many of the tasks may be on the backburner. If we could group the workflows, it would make things more organized and readable. Thank you

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  8. Workflow step order change

    Allow us to shuffle the order of steps in workflows, when a template is used. If we alter the order of the steps when a workflow is created from a template, or add a new step that preceeds a current one, it does not work properly. It reads in the new order, but you must complete the original preceeding step before being allowed to complete the new one. This is very frustrating because even the best created templates need to be altered for specific situations.

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  9. Next Workflow Task Due Dates Updated to Current Date Once Previous Step Completes

    Our target dates often get passed by in workflows based on client response times or processing issues with the custodian. When this happens and a step is completed the next step is triggered but already past due. If the person that completes the previous step doesn't update it, the person assigned to the next triggered step/task can easily miss it. It would be great if a task that was past due in a workflow could update to the current date when it is triggered by the previous step being completed.

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  10. e need to be able to clone a task and we also need to be able to drag tasks to different steps please (workflow template construction)

    e need to be able to clone a task and we also need to be able to drag tasks to different steps please (workflow template construction)

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  11. Workflow Roles

    We are reworking our Workflows and have multiple advisors and multiple support staff. We would like to be able to have one workflow that we use for each person and support person but it seems that we need a copy of each workflow per advisor and then per support person. There is an option to use roles to assign people when creating a workflow but that is not functional right now and roles are limited to advisors and not support people. If there is another way to limit the workflows by advisor and support staff, we are open to it…

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  12. Reopen Workflow

    Re-opening Workflows/Steps once completed. It would be advantageous to provide the option to re-open a completed workflow or step. (Whether by assigning permissions to specific user roles or through the support desk.) Sometimes a step is erroneously marked as complete or an outcome causes the rest of the steps to be skipped and the workflow to be closed out. When this occurs there is not currently an easy option for correcting/recreating the workflow.

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  13. Dynamic due dates for workflow steps

    Instead of conditioning all workflow steps off a single target date, adding a feature where one step can be spaced a certain number of days from the prior step. If the first step is completed before or after its initial due date, the due date of the next step adjusts dynamically to preserve the spacing between the steps. The user can specify whether they want all steps to be conditioned off the target date, of if they want to create a chain reaction where the timing of each step is based on the others.

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  14. Combining Workflows

    Create a section in Workflows that allows us to combine workflows into a big workflow of workflows, similar to how mind mapping software is set up. Then allow us to search clients & see which workflow they're currently in, where they are in the client process across all the different workflows, and who is assigned responsibility to that specific task for the contact. Then add the ability to see all contacts across the client process and which workflow they're currently assigned to.

    This would be HUGE to holistically assess and process where everybody is at, eliminating the overwhelming feeling of…

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  15. Color code workflows based on categories

    It would be great to be able to color code a workflow based on the category type similar to the way we can with activities based on the type if task.

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  16. Open Workflow steps should be listed as an open Activity- One Place for all Open Items

    I want to manage any open item assigned to me in one place versus going to different sections of the CRM. If I have a workflow step open and needing to be completed, it should be an Activity and be represented in my Past Due, Today or Future Activities along with every other Activity.. It is inefficient to have to open various workflow to find steps I need to complete or looking in different sections of the CRM.

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  17. Please Don't Make Next Task Dependent on Current Task Being Completed

    If multiple users are assigned to a Workflow and one user forgets or simply does not complete their current task, the rest of the tasks then don't get completed, leaving either a major bottleneck of work to later do or even worse, overlooked. Please allow the steps in a Workflow to not be dependent upon sequential completion. In talking to several other advisors and support staff at Orion Ascent, Workflows are not being used at all for this specific reason. Our prior CRM did not have this restriction and this is making the adoption of RedTail a much more difficult…

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  18. Allow to complete multiple workflow tasks on Today page without refreshing the screen every time.

    When viewing Today page, when I click "complete" next to a workflow to complete the current step, I have to refresh the entire page before I can click on complete again for that workflow or the next. It didn't use to be this way.

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  19. More Filters for Workflows Reports

    It would be very helpful if we could filter workflows by more categories in workflow reports including roles such as Advisor/Associate Advisor and by the current step. Additionally for the date range if we could have an all past due date range, this would be great. It would also be helpful to update a saved filter instead of having to create a new saved filter and remove the old after making edits.

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  20. Assign Estimated Time to Complete to Workflow Templates!

    To better track capacity across our service team, I propose adding a feature to our workflows that allows us to assign an estimated time to complete for each workflow template. This enhancement would enable us to monitor and manage each processor's workload more effectively. It would be great if we could also have a capacity dashboard for each processor!

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