Email Notification (Activity Assigned)
I like receiving team notification emails, however when I received activity that is not assigned to me the email reads "You have been assigned a new activity". Please bring back the email notifications the way they were in the OLD REDTAIL CRM. For instance, the person who created the activity/note name is in the FROM, and the Subject reads, "New Activity Team Notification" (not assigned to me) or "New Activity Assigned To You (assigned to me). This is also true for workflows. With the email notifications in the Old CRM I was able to create a email rule where all my assigned activities went to an assigned folder. This made it easier to identify my task and address and complete them more timely.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Or if the subject line could include the client's name - that would be sooooo helpful!