Option to automatically rollover activity
It would be helpful to have an option when creating an activity to automatically roll activity over until activity is completed. This would be nice for an activity that we assign to an employee that we want them to see everyday until it's completed. It would be nice in a situation where we assign an activity to an employee and give them a week to do it. It won't fall off the dashboard after a day. And it would also be helpful when I assign a task to myself that I know I probably won't get done today and want to be constantly reminded of until I do it.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
I like the idea and agree if something needs to be done within a week, then it should be marked high priority so that it does show up everyday.
Jim Gilbert commented
Agree that the option to automatically roll over an activity until complete should be added. As well, it would be very helpful if the original due date was retained thus showing how much time had passed since the activity was originally scheduled. Finally we should be able to create an activity without assigning any date at all which would allow the activity to show on the Contact Record.
Anonymous commented
There should be an option or activity type that will show up under "Things To Do Today" everyday until they are marked as complete. Like priority tasks.
There should be an option while creating the activity to be able to have the activity/task automatically move to the next day if it is not marked complete. -
Tait Lane commented
I have seen numerous requests to have tasks rollover instead of going to the past due category. Each time Michelle closes then and decline the requests saying that most users prefer to have them go past due. Yet each request has multiple votes for the change. Managing the past due is cumbersome and time consuming. Tasks need to be kept top of mind and automating the rollover to the following day needs to be integrated into the system.
Jane Roberts commented
Only tasks marked as High Priority will automatically rollover to the next day.
Emily Dibbens commented
I cannot believe that in 7 years you haven't seen the value of this idea. Obviously this would be easier than manually moving them over every single day. Please review and put into motion!
Larissa WIlson commented
Many times we get busy with our schedules and fail to complete all our activities. It is VERY easy for a task to get overlooked/missed. Without having the option to automatically roll forward that task, it could easily get missed and left behind. We need a feature that automatically moves that task forward until completed!
Brenda Terrell commented
I would like the option to not choose an "end date" for an activity. I would like the option to have an activity to show up in "today" until it is completed.
Rick Willoughby commented
This should be an option! If it was important enough to make the calendar it should be Important enough to be automatically rolled forward until completed.
Anonymous commented
Activities, for the most part, are perpetual in nature until completed. Therefore, we should be able to check a box so activities will carry forward without entering a start and end date or check the repeat box, which will repeat the same activity everyday and clog up the activities overdue.
Anonymous commented
When creating an activity, a rollover option should be available which keeps the activity moving forward until completed. Presently, one must use the bulk rollover feature, reschedule the activity of drag the activity to the next day.
Anonymous commented
Allow for activities to continuously roll over to the following day until it is completed.
Anonymous commented
If I have a task/activity that is listed as something to do today, I would like to have the ability to roll the task forward one day with the dropdown rollover button. This would make it a one click process to bump items forward one day, as opposed to going through the full process of rescheduling the task or waiting for the next day to roll the task over to the current day. The rollover option is available already for today's tasks, but it does not work because it only rolls them over to the current day... not to the next day which would be logical.
Tara Colello commented
Have tasks that are not completed the day they are due rollover to the next day until complete. It is very rare that I get to all of my tasks the day that they are due. I would like them to carry over the next day until I enter that they are completed.
Kevin Beamon commented
I am shocked that something this simple isn't already in Redtail! User should be able to choose whether any activity, call, etc is automatically rolled over. We should also be able to set default preferences to automatically rollover all calls, all to-do's etc. This should be a very high priority for the next upgrade.
EJ commented
Also, please review my suggestion about an interactive "call list". This feature could work hand in hand with the call list. It would create a daily activity list that would rollover each day unless completed. On this list would be...people to call back, to do's (and who's to do them) etc. We shouldn't have to schedule time on the calendar for these activities.
Anonymous commented
Please consider moving this up on the priority list. I noticed that this was last updated on Sept 17, 2012.
Anonymous commented
I agree, in the database we use for a different division of our company activities that are not marked completed are rolled to the next day and they appear in red. Additionally, they show a count of how many days past due they are. This is one reason that we've not moved that division to Redtail.
abaehr commented
please add!
Anonymous commented
This suggestion is pretty much the same intent as the "Add To Do feature independently from a Contact or Activity" listed below. The idea is that we need to see our general "To Do" list that automatically carries over every day, so that it is always in our view. For many of us, the visual list is what prompts us to prioritize and to time manage. I suggest that the votes for these two be combined for purposes of guaging demand. Thank you.