Make the relatioships across contacts ("memberships") easier to spot in main contact screen.
We have to drill down into the contact to be able to get to the "membership" feature. Unless I specifically know to dig into the membership record for a particular contact, there is no way of knowing if there is a relationship anywhere…for example, is there a power or attorney, or an adult child who is a beneficiary? It would be helpful to see Redtail making these less hidden, especially for the sake of new staff who are not familiar with the clientele—it would facilitate spotting the relationships if it was more visible in the client contact card or details, as opposed to keeping the memberships buried and hard to see.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Even a simple addition of a symbol that's visible (next to the 'favorite' star or link chain) would be very helpful to show that there is a membership involved. Please?