Data import
We really need to be able to perform data imports on our own, to import data for new clients via an upload file. It is cumbersome to have to enter data by hand or to have to email support whenever we need to enter new client data into Redtail.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Alex F commented
We absolutely need this. Feels like a table stakes request for a CRM system. Antiquated systems we've used have found a way to allow for this. Not sure why this isn't a bigger deal.
Luke Baumgarten commented
I would suggest using Precisefp @Luke V. It makes it so much easier to do all of that.
Luke V commented
Wow! Interesting that this has been discussed for years (oldest comment is from 2017). I just reached out to the helpdesk about this before seeing this.
While Redtail overall is robust with a lot of features, entering contact data is the most cumbersome part of the process. I'd love to be able to quickly enter it into an excel file and import on my own(or the Admin assistant). -
Kevin Arthur commented
I've worked with databases before but never where I couldn't do my own imports. It would be cost effective for RT and less waiting for us. We are already prepping the docs. After submitting, we are at the mercy of the ever growing queue. Let go and make it better for both sides.
Tom Kestler commented
An import tool with the ability to map fields would be great!
The Retirement Readiness Institute commented
User implemented import function. My previous CRM has had this function for over 10 yrs. Excel based. It's fully user controlled. It allows you to delete the import if it doesn't look right. It maintains a log of imports to refer back to and retrieve (no pun intended, woof). Columns in excel can be in any order. Headers don't even have to match. It displays whats available in the CRM program, it reads your excel headers and you map it as you see fit. Data type does have to match dates to dates etc. Great feature. But to RT's credit your tech support is the best. Their's was the worst.
Ellen commented
It would be awesome to be able to add multiple contacts at once via an Excel spreadsheet import, or something like it. Mailchimp has something like this where you title the column based on the input (e.g. First Name, Last Name, email, etc).
MR commented
This could be a huge way to take pressure off the customer service team. It also will shorten times for our end since an import would take minutes not days.
Anonymous commented
The ability to import data, via a template like an excel spreadsheet, directly to Redtail CRM would expedite workflow. At times a similar change is made to multiple clients and accounts, and a way to post a note to all of the contacts at once could make the process exponentially faster than going contact by contact.
I imagine once this ability was created it could be modified to import new contacts, activities and other records fairly similarly.
Luke Baumgarten commented
This would be a nice feature so then to gather client data we could create a template that would fit all the basic information for a client and upload it. You could then go as far as to create a form on your website (advisor) for the client to complete the form and then upload it into Redtail saving tons of time.
I do feel that this is not too big of a task for you to complete as all it would have to do is match up to the fields you have already in add a new client.