Please make All Account fields available on Custom Export Templates
Please make All fields available on Custom Export Templates. There are many Account level fields not available. Like Account Payment info.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Laurie Thompson commented
Please add beneficiary information within Accounts to the Custom Export Template options
Peter Kosanke commented
Add Account Strategic Allocation Model fields to custom exports rather than just an option for the information at Contact Level. From a compliance perspective, I need to be able to generate a custom export template with accounts across many different contacts and to be able to identify the Strategic Allocation Model at the account level rather than at contact level. Each contact may have an overall strategic allocation (e.g. long term time horizon, high risk) but at the account level s(he) may have a shorter time horizon and low risk. Currently with just the contact level Strategic Allocation Model being sent to the template it has all the contact's accounts with all the same info when in reality they may have different risk, time horizon, and investment objectives across different accounts.
Traci commented
Amazing we even have to ask for this but yes, there needs to be significantly more options to pull from for custom exports, especially on the account side. Like benefit amount, premium method, ownership, registration, etc. Without giving us the option to export it or include it in your pre-made reports we basically wasting time entering data that is trapped!
Betty commented
Including Tag Groups
Rebecca commented
Beneficiary Report or in custom reports add ALL information that one enters into Redtail for accounts.