Full date display for activities
Please Please Please start using the full date and year, not just the day or month and day. It is so easy to get this confused when trying to sort out activities. Reviewing a list of future activities and past activities is my best way of getting an overview of what's happening, and I have to pause to figure out what date and/or year I'm looking at.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Oh my goodness this would save so much time and frustration. Monday can mean this Monday or next Monday - shouldn't have to open the activity to see the date.
Don Vess commented
I would like the date on all activities to display the full date, even for activities that are less than one week in the future.
Chris Ayers commented
Yes! It's so annoying to have to look at a calendar every time I go to a contact page and see the next activity is "Thursday". Ok.....what date???? Please add the full date.
Anonymous commented
Is there not a way to add the date to the activity page? I want to see all my future activities, and I really need a date, not just the day. Thank you.
Denson E. Kaiklian commented
contact activities date - please show the DATE (i.e. Thursday, April 13, 2017)
Jonathan Sard commented
Add the actual date in the Open Activities Page. The date column lists the day of the week for upcoming activities, but not the actual date. Please add the actual date as well.
Eric commented
The past due activities don't have a year and upcoming dates for the next week are are just a day of the week. Need to see the date in upcoming dates, not just the day of the week.