add mobile phone as a field in mail merge
add mobile phone number as a field in mail merge.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Wendy Hillman commented
I find it almost impossible to believe that this has been suggested since 2017 and has not been implemented yet considering that it's 2023 and almost no one has a "home phone". We really need "mobilephone" added as a field to use in a mail merge!
Wendy Hillman commented
Since it's now 2023 and I see that this request was originally submitted in 2017, does that mean this is never going to be an option? Again, no one has home phones any more so we have always used Mobile as their phone type and marked it primary contact. We tried using merge field Pcphone and it did not work. I would hope in 6 years whatever internal discussion that was needed has been had and maybe someone can realize the real need for this option.
Susan commented
When doing a mail merge linked addresses pull in correctly. Linked phone numbers do not pull in.
Susan commented
Large percentage of our contacts no longer have a home phone number. Mobile Phone is currently not a field that you can pull in.