Things to Do Today
The items in this section should remain on "today" until either completed or the deadline that we create has passed. For instance if I create an item yesterday to be completed by tomorrow, it's still a "thing to do today" and not yet "past due" or "upcoming". If this can't be changed, this section should be changed to "Activities CREATED Today" to be aptly titled for what it is doing. If changed, this would be a very useful working task list. As is, it seems very limited in its functionality. Seems like a very simple fix, just to change the rule to include all activities that are in the window of completion and not yet completed. Thanks!

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
James commented
The mobile app already supports this feature. Please update so the desktop/web version is in alignment.