Broadcast email - using "Enter" key in subject line causes email to send immediately.
Please provide a fix for this issue! If a user pushes the "Enter" instead of the "Tab" key after entering a subject in a broadcast email, the email will immediately send to all chosen contacts, whether there is text in the body of the email or not. I've spoken to a RT rep, who checked with the developers. The developers say this is the intended behavior. This causes an incomplete email to be sent to all contacts chosen, which causes much confusion and extra work. Please add some type of fail-safe, with an extra step that asks "Are you sure you want to send" or just require us to chose one of the two buttons ("Send Broadcast Email" or "Send Test Message") instead of allowing the "Enter" key functionality. Thank you!

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!