Ability to enter a date for when the note occurred, not just when the note was created
If the note has to be timestamped on the date it was entered, at least add the option to also select when the note occurred.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
CK commented
in the meantime, we usually type the date and time that the phone call, conversation, event, task occurred at the top of each entry so we have the specific time that an event occurred even if we aren't able to enter the note right away.
Holly C Shelton commented
Yes, this had been my biggest frustration. Please fix this. The suggestion to have a date it was created and the date it occurred would work. Or have the date it was created hidden and the date it occurred viewed on notes list and in order.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to move notes up and down in sequence. Sometimes a note happened a few days earlier than the latest note added. Would like to be able to move it to date order
Anonymous commented
Redtail says that it's for compliance reasons, but they can fulfill the compliance requirement by timestamping the date/time the note was entered, but allowing the user to choose the date the note was taken and have it sort by that date on the timeline. Many other CRMs handle the compliance timestamping in this way.
Anonymous commented
One should have the ability to backdate a note for sorting purposes while still time stamping the entry date of the note to keep compliant. Sometimes notes aren't transferred for several days after a meeting and when it is finally entered, it is sorted out of order when viewed on RedTail. While a workaround is to place a note inside the note indicating the date, this does not help when an advisor wants a chronological view of his interactions.