Bulk Complete Workflow
I can currently bulk delete and add workflows and add notes or tag groups to groups of people in a workflow. However, I cannot bulk complete a workflow step or a workflow task. We have workflow tasks that can be completed in bulk by adding tag groups. It would be wonderful if we could then bulk complete that task and step.
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
caseystout commented
We have HUNDREDS of workflow tasks that are past due from prior employees. As a result, there are HUNDREDS of workflow tasks assigned to me from before I was ever an employee. It would be wonderful to bulk complete items such as these in order to clean up the CRM.
Additionally, it would be wonderful to bulk complete workflow tasks for leads from seminars, but since we cannot - we do not have any workflows we use for our events. It really keeps us from fully utilizing the CRM because we cannot bulk complete any workflow tasks.
Kathe commented
This has been in the works for several years. Please give us the ability to bulk complete! I have carpel tunnel, and all the clicking makes it much worse.
Kathe commented
I have the same issue. I complete a lot of tasks at the same time (for example, printing and filing a particular form) and it would save me a lot of time and carpo tunnel pain if I could just bulk complete these steps instead of clicking a million times to complete them one at a time.
kayla curell commented
Would love this, Currently working on completing tasks that were done by other members of my team while I was gone for a week and trying to keep up with my tasks for this week as well
Mel commented
This would be SUPER handy! Especially when you have 791 steps for multiple clients that you bulk complete in 1 day.