There should be a seperate section for insurance products rather than lumping them together with investment accounts...unless its a cash value policy. Implement the seperate section so that all the various insurance data options are available to customize for Term life, LTC, disability, health, auto, casualty, etc.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Reid Tattersall commented
BackNine integrates with Redtail so your insurance cases through BackNine appear within your Redtail account. We specify the type of insurance (life, LTC, disability, annuities) and for each type there are product specific fields that are sent over and appear within Redtail. For example, for life, you'll see death benefit amount and beneficiaries and for LTC you'll see monthly benefit amount, elimination period, etc.
Anonymous commented
In addition to the original request, I would like to see the "Reports" section be able to include Life insurance type, premium, face amount, beneficiaries, and total them at the end of report.
Leonard L Neisler commented
With financial planning being a very important of a practice today the CRM needs to be more complete to show different kinds of insurance and their benefits. Also, a report that will also show complete information about each life and disability income policy in a report is very important.