Turn off auto creation of employer records
Give the database owner the ability to turn off the auto creation of employer contract records. I find it annoying to have records created for employers as I don't ever use them and they don't get categorized properly.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Marylinn commented
A WORK-A-ROUND FIX: We have a colleague in the industry that gave us a tip, to be able to put important info that we want to visually see immediately (w/out clicking the Red!) AND NOT HAVE IT CREATE A RECORD, Instead of typing it in the Employer Field - Type it in the JOB TITLE field. It won't make a record, and you can still see what you are hoping to see. Hope this helps others, like it helped us. And hopefully Redtail can soon have a (Viewable) Important Info Tab in that blank space on the white bar soon.
Jenn commented
PLEASE shut this auto-creation of the Employer as a contact off. I just did an audit of why so many of our contacts did not have our mandatory fields filled out and holy-cow...its because there are 300 businesses entered unintentionally just because we fill out the employer field regularly. Please make progress on this quickly. As our firm's database coach, its incredibly difficult to keep clean data because of this.
Becky Blowers commented
if it helps anyone, the way our office gets around the system creating new contacts for each person's employer is to put employer in job title - so for instance job title field would read "Teacher @ Local High School". But I agree, there is no need to create an extra contact for employers where only one person may be attached!
T. Newquist commented
This feature option would be greatly appreciated. However, if auto creation of employer contact record toggle on/off is an option or not -- having the system auto link all client's tied to that employer would be extremely useful.
Anonymous commented
Completely agree with this. It also makes it messy if you need to maintain a separate unique business contact for that company.
Joy commented
Yes. I completely agree on this. We like putting in the client's employers. But it's not necessary to create a new record. Very frustrating.