Albridge Feed Missing Company Name and Registration Type
The data feed into Redtail from Albridge does not map the company name that the account is associated with. Additionally, the registration type is not mapped. We have over 45,000 accounts in our Redtail database and adding this information on a per account basis is unrealistic.

More information is needed internally before a decision can be made. Nothing is needed from Redtail clients at this time.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Alex commented
Since Albridge is already sending the custodian, account type, registration type, owner to Redtail, it makes the most sense for that data to populate on the Accounts tab, rather than clicking in to each individual account to see those details. That process is inefficient.
Courtney Hill commented
I agree!! Albridge is already sending the data, so I think the script could be updated to place account type, owner, and custodian on the "accounts" page. Clicking in to each account for that information is highly inefficient.
Tom commented
This seems like an easy get with coordination with Albridge. The fields are in Redtail Data base. Just a matter of have Albrideg pass it on. Is this still open. If not please re-consider. It will have huge benefits for our Firm.
Weber Wealth Advisors commented
This would be massively helpful to address RMD's for our clients.
John H commented
There are multiple posts about this. It makes no sense as to why they don't put the features in.
Anonymous commented
The former CRM system we used brought over all of the data from Albridge to include Registration Names, Account types, cusip, etc as well as the Acct Number, Balance, Holdings and SS#. I am very confused as to why this data cannot be brought into Redtail as seamlessly as it was in our other system.
Joseph Falbo commented
Anonymous commented
Currently, you have to identify accounts that come over from Albridge as an IRA, Roth, Joint or whatver. It also doesn't come over as Advisory, retail or annuity. Albridge has this data, why doesn't it come over into Redtail? I have 700+ accounts that have no IRS classification or product type. Would make it helpful to pull up when a client calls, etc.
Gina Pederson commented
This really needs to happen in order for us to use Redtail in the manner I envisioned 10 years ago! PLEASE!!!
Anonymous commented
The Albridge data feed should include transaction data, account titling, and beneficiary info.
Jim McCarthy commented
Agreed. Account #s are not descriptive enough. Also, the account type defaults to Other for all types. You get both account name and correct account type from Albridge - see View Feed Details. It makes no sense that you can't pick up those fields
Elizabeth Eckler commented
YES!!!!! Redtail is one of the only companies that Albridge even sends all that data too and things like company name and account type are not imported. It is ridiculous!
Anonymous commented
All of the data from albridge should be imported into redtail, not just the 3 fields you currently pickup. With current conditions, we have had to re-create a substantial amount of asset information.
Abby commented
If you click on an account arrow and select feed detail, additional information about that accounted is fed from Albridge. Allow that information to be available on the accounts screen so it is easy to identify accounts. Currently, they only have numbers listed and it is not easy to identify the accounts.
Whitney Willis commented
Currently the Albridge integration only populates the account number, tax ID, and account balance in Redtail. Any other information on the account would need to be updated manually within Redtail. I want to suggest enhancing the data feed to include the tax status (specifically qualified/non-qualified accounts), and account type if possible. With hundreds or thousands of accounts it is too time consuming to manually update each account, especially since Albridge maintains the tax status and account type on their side already.
Gary Shaw commented
I agree. The account registration should be available to import from the Albridge feed into the RedTail account registration field. I can see the account registration under account title on the Unlinked Account list, so it must be coming from Albridge.
Jeff Sondhelm commented
Same with TD Ameritrade. That the data does not people the same field in redtail prohibits us from using all report in redtail which rely on that info. Which is most reports..
IE Accounts by Rep report yields all accounts rather than those grouped by rep number
Lynn commented
Since the data comes over from Albridge anyway, can you include the registration of the account? It would be very helpful for those accounts where we don't have a natural indicator in the account number.