When adding employment to a client please don’t automatically create a separate contact for the employer
When adding employment to a client please don’t automatically create a separate contact for the employer

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Wendy Peichel commented
Automatically adding a contact record for an employer clogs up the database unnecessarily. At the very least, it would be nice to be prompted to select a status and category for the new record, so we can mark it for later deletion as a record.
Kristen Crouthamel commented
agree with Rosemary - at least prompt the question: do you want a contact created for this "new employer".
Anonymous commented
We do not need a "business contact" created every time we input a client's employer. Please make this a feature we can turn off, so we are not cluttering the database, and also not kicking off automated workflows for unimportant information!”
Rebekah J Clough commented
we do not need a "business contact" created every time we input a client's employer. Please make this a feature we can turn off, so we are not cluttering the database, and also not kicking off automated workflows for unimportant information!
Veronica Mounts commented
I agree! This feature creates unnessasay confuison and cultter in the database!
Elizabeth Slack commented
I completely agree - not all client's employers are also clients of ours. The employer should just be something that is filled in - not then become a new contact.
Rosemary Lopez commented
at least prompt the question: do you want a contact created for this "new employer".
Reed Terry commented
Making a new contact from a clients employer is confusing and stupid.