We would like to be able to customize the columns on opportunity reports (add/delete)
Currently, the in place columns are not customization and only include a portion of the identifiers. We would like to be able to customize these columns to show additional identifier (ex. Projected Revenue, etc..)

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Colin Murray commented
I think this is VERY important. I need to bbe able to customize opportunities. Specifically, I would want every opportunity to have a "referred by" section - not just the contact itself. Also, I would like each opportunity to have a revenue split section (i.e. 80%/20%).
Carin Dixon commented
I agree. We would like to be able to add a column on the landing page to show Projected Revenue for each opportunity in addition to the aggregate number at the top.
William Cunningham commented
Custom Opportunities Page
I see this one of two ways First is being able to choose the columns you want from a list, allowing the page to specific to the advisor's needs. Or allowing the advisors to create the columns for the page. Allowing the advisor to create an Opportunities page that is designed specifically for their practice.
Abigail commented
Currently, the categories on the Opportunities page include headers like "Linked Contacts," "Assigned To," "Next Steps," and so on. It would be helpful if we could change what categories are displayed. For example, we don't require the "Linked Contacts" column, but might like to add something like "Projected Revenue." This kind of customization would allow for much broader use of the Opportunities feature, tailored to what a given business needs.