Annual Review Report
Can we get a comprehensive report to use for annual reviews? Outside of gathering information, a CRM should provide users of all experience levels a snapshot of the data that tells a quick story to address client questions and issues, train new staff, complete client reviews and quickly bring any successor advisor up to speed with the overall plan and purpose of service. You have most of the necessary content to accomplish this. If you could just neatly combine it all on the Confidential Personal Profile Report, you would have a very powerful tool.
Here are a few suggestions of what should be in the comprehensive report.
Profile section:
Add children& grandchildren
Advisory Team Section:
Include CPA, Personal Lawyer, Estate Lawyer, Notary, Personal
Banker, Personal Lender, Personal Insurance and Other. Be sure to
add fields to capture all contact information of each.
Investment Strategy:
Risk tolerance, time horizon, objective
Financial Reports
AMA, ADV, Investment Profile etc
Cash Flow Strategy
Cash Flow Analysis
Social Security
Emergency Funds
Educational Savings
Coverdell, 529 Plans and other strategies
Family Security
Life Insurance
Disability Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Asset Protection and Creditor Proofing
General Insurance
Estate Strategy
Durable POA
Healthcare POA
Living Wills
Principal Residence
Charitable Donations
Gifting Techniques
Investment Property
Investment Property 1
Investment Property 2
Accounts Section - Include fields for each account that details such items as last review date, next review date, account title, tenancy, beneficiary, investment model, etc. There should also be a field for notes to explain the strategy and/or timeline for future changes to the account (NOT ACTIONS or ACTIVITIES). This would be different than the contact notes. It would be a huge benefit if we could pull these notes per account/asset/liability in report form.
If I could print such a report for reviews, I would find confidence in knowing that I covered every necessary topic and didn't deviate from the specific or overall plan. Additionally, when I am finished presenting and marking up the report, I can just hand it off to my assistant who will input all of the notes and future actions with limited communication for detailed explanations improving efficiency.
Please help us!!

More information is needed internally before a decision can be made. Nothing is needed from Redtail clients at this time.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!