Opportunities should have at least 3 date fields
Opportunities should have at least 3 date fields to more easily monitor, work on, filter, do reporting, etc. There should be a Start Date, Next Follow Up Date, and Closed Date. And the Next Follow Up date should generate a calendar reminder.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Joel Andrews commented
As I speak with clients and present a sales idea, I create an opportunity. When I review the opportunities I would like to see how long they have been in the pipeline.
Barbara Wilkens commented
Ability to enter a Start Date for the Opportunity. It would make more sense for us to have a close date on an opportunity without having a start date.
Regina Franz commented
I would also like to see the TYPE field allow to customize. It's not only Existing or New Business. In some cases we are 'Enhancing the Relationship' or to give more detail on the type of business, it would be nice to add: "Additional Business to Existing Business." Thank you.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to track the time it takes to close cases but there is no option for including the initial date of contact with a prospect on the opportunity report.
Anonymous commented
Please include more than 2 filter options. It seems like many users have requested the same thing since 2015/2016.
Please add the following enhancements:
1. The ability to add all of the opportunity details in 1 screen.
2. Filter/sort by the date the opportunity is created as we track our opportunities on a monthly basis, not from 10 years ago.
3. Being able to sort the close date by the year, not the month. It is worthless to group every closed opportunity with the January close date from 10 different years. Sure, we can export it into Excel and sort there, but it is very inefficient.
4. The option to add the referrer's name. The source field is not very helpful to us if we can't track who sends us the business.
5. Include additional fields in the report. For examples, date created, linked contact, assigned to, description, projected revenue for open opportunities, and actual revenue for close opportunities.
6. Fix the sorting issues since they do not seem to work.When we used Junxure, we relied heavily on the opportunity reports to track our pipeline, but right now we have to track everything manually.
Anonymous commented
Please add additional date fields for Open Date and Estimated Close Date...in addition to the Close Date field. It would also be nice to see the last activity date and next activity date.
If you had separate fields for estimated close date and actual close date, you could use the actual close date filed to show that an opportunity is closed...instead of using the stage field where you have to select "Closed Lost" or "Closed Won". Doing this would allow users to have custom stages that would show as closed.
John commented
Sort Opportunities on Today's Overview by Closed Date