Notes to head of household automatically copy to spouse's contact
It would be nice to have notes automatically post to the head of household's spouse with having to "copy to another contact".

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Andrew Shank commented
Yes, I agree. I can see where it might not work for some(reference 2nd comment), so I would suggest an On/Off feature or something like that. If you just made it an option, then whoever would benefit from it could turn it on and whoever would rather not have it could leave it off. Thanks for considering it!
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to have notes automatically post to the head of household's spouse with having to "copy to another contact" - especially when notes auto copy to one spouse from a CRM like myrepchat
Anonymous commented
We ONLY post to head of household so it would only duplicate information and waste space on my end.
Anonymous commented
I cannot stress enough how helpful this feature would be, especially including Activities.