Multiple Attachments to Broadcast Emails
We should be able to attach multiple files to a broadcast email. Please! Thank you!

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Cris Kalivas commented
Have we gotten any further with this? I need to attach multiple items! This is ridiculous - you can attach multiple on the hosted email - why not through bulk mail?
Chuck Vercellone commented
Here we are some 2 years beyond the suggestion read but no movement. Sending a bulk email with a suggested portfolio change and needing to attach prospecti on the suggested funds - cannot attach multiple files. Have to combine all prospecti into one file to attach - not efficient and confusing to the client. CMON RT! this is a compliance issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ixy commented
llona thank you for the work around!! not too bad!
Ilona commented
How frustrating that you need to do a work around and press "shift" and pray that additional attachments can be done