Expand automation options!!!!
Please expand the options available for automation. Specifically around the following:
1. Mailing address/primary address changes
2. Assigning a certain workflow or task upon completion or assignment of another workflow or task
3. Tag Group/Keyword Changes
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
I would like to add automation to Activities - when we complete one client check in call, we would like another to automatically schedule the next check-in call 3/4/6 months out based on the activity template used.
Bruce Wing commented
I'd like automations to be triggerable and guided by every field (including UDFs), every activity type/template, every workflow template, every email template we have. I'd also like the workflow capability to automatically change field values (when values are lists, yes or no, or true or false).