Red is a distressing color, please allow alternative colors like blue.
I know this may seem trite, BUT stop using the color red/gray and/or allow other color alternatives to the template. I left your CRM because it's red and distracting and stressful to look at all day. As humans, we are conditioned that the color red is bad, or we should beware. It's stressful to look at red. Please allow us to customize the colors, it isn't that hard to code. Drab gray and red are terrible colors to look at all day. I only came back because I was forced to because of your integration options which connect with my Broker Dealer. I literally changed CRMs before because it's red. I'm not alone in this thinking and across the board, everyone agreed with this at my last firm. I have no doubt you are losing a lot of business because you cannot customize it to a different color.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Mo commented
Here to agree as loudly as possible. This is like having your eyes screamed at all day long. I can only imagine how terrible it must be for people prone to migraines, etc. Red is a color for emergency/importance - instead of a one-off red exclamation point next to an action now everything is red and that no longer stands out and since my brain is now actively working to tune out the red I may miss something that's actually important.
Andrew commented
Thank you for considering this. The moment I saw the new UI, I immediately searched the preferences for a different color scheme, preferably dark, but at the very least without unnecessary and jarring red. Please allow us to customize our color scheme, or at the very least, reduce our eyestrain and stress by toning down the bright red.
Heath Echols commented
Our CRM should fit our company's brand....not yours.