Workflow due dates
Is there a way to create a workflow that assigns task due dates within the workflow based on the number of days from creation of workflow as opposed to number of days from target date? We have a workflow for a process that frequently has varying amounts of time from creation to target date. Assigning due dates based on number of days before target date sometimes gives me tasks that are due in the past (before creation of workflow) and sometimes the first task is due two weeks after creation of workflow.
It would be a nice option if the task due dates could be assigned a certain number of days from the creation date to avoid both of those problems. In some cases, that would create the problem of tasks being due after the target date when the whole process needs to move quicker than normal. Maybe there is also a way to restrict when the target date of the workflow can be.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jennifer Laughlin commented
yes, like this idea too