Add Timestamp Shortcut
We just migrated from Junxure Cloud and one feature they had that we used all the time is that at the beginning of typing anything into an Activity we would hit [CTRL + J] and it would stamp the date, time and user's initials automatically in the following format:
BK - 11/24/2020 - 12:59:44 PM
We would love for a similar shortcut functionality to be built in as we send our Activities back and forth between team members.

Scott Crane commented
We really missed this when we switched, we had our IT people set it up using AutoHotKey. I've included what the code kind of looks like below in case you know someone who can set it up, but it does have one downside, you have to disable the Ctrl+J web browser shortcut that takes you to downloads, or if you use Ctrl+J shortcut in any other program it must be disabled. May not be an issue for you.
002: Send,SC -%A_Space% (0.08)
003: FormatTime,CurrentDateTime,,MM/dd/yy - h:mm tt
004: SendInput,%CurrentDateTime% (0.03)
005: Return (138.66) -
Kathy commented
Great feature, if we could have it.
Traci commented
I have been asking for this for 3 years... sure would be nice!!