Link a Contact to a note after it has been Created
It would be very beneficial to have an option in the action menu of a note to link an additional contact after a note has been made. Currently if one forgets to include that additional contact in the initial making of the note, there is no way to copy that note, with all the comments underneath, to that additional contact without either completely restarting or copying the note and comments individually to that additional contact.
If it could be the same as linking an account to a note, that would be wonderful!

Krista commented
When I started, I found that other people prior to me would make an important note on only one spouses' contact page, leaving the other person's blank. We have spouses who have been our system for years and only one of their profiles is maintained. This has caused countless problems for me.
I have had to copy years old information to the spouses profile, which makes it look like I was the one who created the note that day, so I have to follow it up with another note saying the last update and to see the spouse's profile.
I recently learned that if I create a follow-up activity for the old note, I can tag the spouse in it and after deleting the activity, the note is still connected to that spouse's profile.
This is highly inefficient and tedious work, especially when there could be a dozen notes that need to be on both profiles, let alone having to do this on multiple profiles. Being able to just drop down a menu and clink "Link Contact" would save me so much work....
Thank you.