client review
Client Review
Add Last Review date to the Client Review with an option of updating the next review date based on the Last Review Date.
(Ie. for a client, the First Review is set for January 2019. It was set to reoccurring annually; next review should have been January 2020 but did not occur until March 2020. I want the next review to now be set to reoccurring annually in March going forward.
Right now, if I want to set the annual review based on the March 2020 date, I have to go in and change the First Review Date so that it reflects March.
Ideally, I would like to be able to Input the Last Review Date and have the option to adjust the reoccurring action based on the Last Review date.This way the first Review Date can remain accurate.

Brenda Miller commented
I would like to add the First Review Date field should never change. We had client's who are 10 years old and were on a review cycle of every December but we needed to change as they retired and wanted to do more like a March review date. The only way to change the annual date is to change the First Review Date field. If an SEC auditor came in and asked us to run a report on reviews it would like like we never met with the client for the last 10 years. We'd then have to go and pull data from the activities and/or the client file.
Naomi commented
100% AGREE! What's the point of having this function if the date changes all the time? It also is not accurate on when the client is "overdue" for a review. Being able to see whether or not a client is "overdue" for a review based on the date originally entered would be so much more useful.