Hyperlink directly into activity from email notification
We get email notifications when someone has updated an activity, however, there is no hyperlink in the notification email that would easily connect you to the activity for your reply.
Adding a hyper link option in the notification email would save a number of steps.
Current process...
1. Get the email, read the activity and prepare reply needed.
2. Open a browser, go to redtail.
3. Navigate to the client.
4. Find the activity and click on the activity to open it.
5. Write reply and submit.
The suggested new process:
1. Get the email, read the activity and prepare reply needed.
2. Click on hyperlink in the notification email which auto opens the activity in a separate browser.
3. Write reply and submit.
All together, that could save amount minute each activity reply. Collectively, that would be over an hour of savings each week per Redtail user in our office.

Kip Schwanke commented
I agree with Annie, and I would ADD
1. ADD the Ativity SUBJECT or an customizable email SUBJECT for the notification email so it is searchable, and sortable, and clear in email of the recipient(s).
2. Provide the LINK as Annie suggests (this would seem a MUST)
3. CODE the fact one can REPLY to the notification email with something useful, so it either goes into CRM or to the team involved.