Printable Overview of Workflow Templates
I am writing this at the time of the new workflow template editor update (2021.05.17). The old template editor is what I would use to get screenshots of workflows to print off and discuss in a meeting with our team. I would use screenshots of the outcomes list and the template (because it showed the full text in the task descriptions in an organized format) to compile a document we could cut apart, rearrange, and discuss if the workflow accurately guided process. The new layout is more compact, but the new text box style with the scroll bar hides some of the text now.
The Workflow Checklist report is one option to use, but its purpose is for reviewing progress of an active workflow and not the workflow itself (a list of outcomes for each step is not included or relevant, for example). It would be nice to have a document with all of this information on it without having to fuse things together manually.

Amanda Rodarte commented
This is something we need in our office as well. Our team gathers to discuss processes for improvement and being able to look at a concise printout of our workflow templates would be invaluable. I'm not encouraged that this suggestion is more than 2 years old, however. I hope it's something Redtail will consider.