Adding RMD INFO. Tab - nexto Misc Client Info
Adding new Tab next to Misc Client Info - RMD Info.- so we can add Client RMD info instead of using UDF's or Important Info. It would be easier/quicker to find (at a glance) & make it to where we could either use copy/paste or creating your own template.

Marcus commented
I agree and cannot believe there is no real way to manage RMDs still. I found keywords to be unhelpful but key words seems to work. I just hate that it's hard to sift through all of our other UDFs out there, we should have a dedicated RMD tab.
Gaurav Adhikari commented
If there was a field on the client contact page where we can keep an updated tab of annual contributions into IRAs (prior year contributions and current year contributions can get confusing with the custodian's record keeping) that would be really helpful. Same with RMDs. If there was a field where we can keep updating the RMD amounts taken and required, that would be really helpful. (RMDs taken from outside accounts need to be recorded some place other than the client notes section.