Notification Emails need to be ENCRYPTED
We have been aware of this issue for a long time now, but I think with the climate today it has become IMPERATIVE that Redtail encrypt notification emails generated from created and updated Activities. I believe many Redtail users put sensitive information in the subject and description such as account numbers (regardless of whether Redtail thinks we should) and then that information is being broadcast to the world in an insecure email if notification settings are not all set to "no". Our office knows of this security issue and we have everyone set their notifications settings to no, and are "told" not to use the Notify option on activities. However, the occasional slip up happens. This is the hole in Redtail security, and it should be fixed immediately. Having Redtail reps tell us "don't put PII in Redtail Activities" is not good answer to having an insecure hole in the CRM. THIS IS A SIMPLE FIX>>>JUST ENCRYPT REDTAIL NOTIFICATION EMAILS!