Zapier Capabilities Limited Due to Omission of Important Data Being Sent
Many of the gaps in Redtail's abilities could be achieved through Zapier, but there are critically important pieces of information that are not being passed to the Zaps. I've outlined a few of the most important pieces of information that would unlock a lot of functionality through Zapier.
-All should have information about linked contacts. At a minimum, client name and client ID should be available.
-Workflow triggers should have a workflow ID to identify which workflow the task is part of (it is currently just a task ID so you can't track what specific workflow or client it belongs to).
-You should be able to link contacts through Zapier on all features that allow linked contacts (this is currently available for new activities but is not even available when updating an existing activity).
-You should be able to do a client search to return basic client information for subsequent actions.
I am happy to give further details and feedback if you work on addressing these issues.