calendar scroll
In month view I prefer to have the current week near the top so I can see last week and the next few weeks. Near the end of the month I can't see what's coming up. Thanks
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
June Salazar commented
Agreed - all other calendars I have used have this ability.
Holly W commented
Bryna commented
Hello red tail, it would be super fantastic if we could scroll the months as opposed to having only the option to view one month from beginning to end at a time. For example. when it gets to the last two weeks of the month, my calendar is usually booked but I am trying to schedule the following 2 weeks which is the 1st two weeks of the following month. So it comes down to practicality of how I am actually using the calendar and this would be much easier. Thank you.