Integrate With TRELLO
Can you integrate with TRELLO in some way?? There is a FREE version and a BUSINESS version. This would COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE task management, office management, workflows... TRELLO is colorful, highly functional, super easy to use, and totally customizable.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Chris Pratt commented
Is Redtail ever going to answer this request?? Really need to start integrating with Trello
Mike Jacobs commented
Our firm uses Trello on a daily basis and would love to integrate finished cards into the contact notes on Redtail. We are considering switching to Salesforce who does integrate with Trello, but would really prefer to stay with Redtail who better fits our needs.
Daniel Maxwell commented
This definitely needs to happen. Trello makes practice management so much simpler.
Rhonda Hitchcock commented
Trello is great for task management and would complement well with the workflows in RedTail.