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56 results found

  1. est liquid net worth reporting

    Est Liquid Net worth needs to be reportable.

    generally speaking, every field we can enter data into Redtail should be reportable and/or advanced searchable.

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  2. Connect "Know your client" > professional current > employements and the basic info on contacts home screen

    It would be very helpul if the professional section under "Know your Client" automatically updated the Bio "Basic Information" for that client. An example would be if I put a client works for fedex in the professional section under "Know your client", the occupation and employer would automatically update to their basic info. Furthermore, when they retire, it would continue showing their last know job, but with the word "Retired" in parenthesis.

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    We need Red Tail to ADD hard-coded fields for the following clients' insurance information:
    Insurance Carrier
    Type of Insurance
    Face Value/Face Amount/Death Benefit
    Premium Frequency
    Premium Amount/Modal Premium
    Insurance Issue Date
    Owner, Joint Owner, Insured 1, Insured 2
    An additional "Insurance" box in the "Financials" section of the Contact Page in RT would be an appropriate place for these fields.
    An Ability for this additional insurance section to be dynamic would be preferred, meaning that an ability to add multiple policies would be great.

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    We need Red Tail to ADD hard-coded fields for the following clients' insurance information:
    Insurance Carrier
    Type of Insurance
    Face Value/Face Amount/Death Benefit
    Premium Frequency
    Premium Amount/Modal Premium
    Insurance Issue Date
    Owner, Joint Owner, Insured 1, Inusred 2

    An additional "insurance" box in the "Financials" section of the Contact Page in RT would be an appropriate place for these fields.

    An ability for this additional insurance section to be dynamic would be preferred, meaning that an ability to add multiple policies would be great.

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  5. Know your client-Review

    I have a workflow for Client Review and also started using the Client Review reminder in KYC. I need to have the automated workflow link to the KYC reminder or I have two reminders. Please allow automation from KYC triggers.

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  6. Batch Edit Annual Review Frequency

    Mass editing of annual review frequency is impossible with Redtail. Add a feature to bulk edit or spreadsheet upload and change frequency en mass.

    Right now it's possible to mass edit the first review date, but nothing else!

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  7. check a box to update the spouse's Know Your Client

    an option to check a box when updating a clients last review date to also update the spouse would be very time saving

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  8. Know Your Client added fields / information for Financial Planning

    It would be helpful if under the "Know Your Client" tab we could have the ability to enter more information that is pertinent to financial planning. Some ideas I have are as follows:

    Social Security: Could add fields for age when claimed or planning to claim, start date of benefits, current benefit amount, etc.

    Estate Planning: do they have trust/ wills/ POAs in place, estate attorney/ POA contact information, Last beneficiary review date

    E-signature: Yes or No field on whether client is comfortable using this or not.

    I have other ideas too but these were some at the top of…

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  9. Know Your Client Financial Fields - Add Suitability and Assets Held Away

    The the financials tab, in addition to the objective, experience, tax info, and net worth, there should be a Assets Held Away section and then have that broken out by type of assets. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, savings, others, etc. where you can either enter the dollar amount or percentage to add up to 100% or assets held away. This would help with the Finra suitability requirements.

    Riding on the coattails of others, please add more fields in the financials section to be more specific! Thanks.

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  10. color difference in reviews completed

    Would be helpful to have a color difference on your calendar for Reviews you completed vs ones that are "due"/reminder date. Having them the same color does not help at all with which ones just got completed vs which ones need to be completed.

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  11. Adding an advisory fee tab in Know Your Client

    This will allow, advisory forms and quick questions to be answered and completed with clickng on the know you tab section. The Know You tab section has clients net worth and other parts which would be need to complete advisory agreement but not a way to track the fee.

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  12. Bank Account Type

    Under Bank Account - add a field/checkbox to tell what type of account it is (ie: Checking, Savings, etc.)

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  13. when trying to get rid of the Important Information icon ( ! ) it would be beneficial to have a 'Delete' choice instead of clearing the fie

    when trying to get rid of the Important Information icon ( ! ) it would be beneficial to have a 'Delete' choice instead of clearing the field, leaving room for error.

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  14. KYC

    We need additional fields added either to Strategic Allocation Model or perhaps a New section called Suitability. Some of the fields we need are Secondary Objectives, Experience for additional investment types, Balance for Investment types, Special Expenses and SE Time, etc. Going back and forth between KYC and UDF is cumbersome.

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  15. Additional/ Customizable Fields in the KYC Financials Tab

    We want to see more Tabs under the Financials. Secondary Objective, Additional Experience boxes for other types of investments, Special Expenses and Special Expenses Time Frame just to name a few of what we need. Please allow customizable fields in KYC/ Financials or a whole new Suitability section in KYC.

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  16. Portfolio Balance = Total Family/Household balance

    I think it would be extremely beneficial to have a setting that we could be able to see the HOUSEHOLD total balance on the top right where it shows "Portfolio Balance" instead of just that client. Also, it would be nice when creating an activity and trying to link an account to have all of the household accounts show up instead of just the accounts of that specific client.

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  17. Client Review Dates

    Have "next review" be the actual date we schedule with the client for his or her next review -
    Have a "next review due" for when they should be due for their next review
    Have a "last review" field as well
    Have these right where the "next review" currently is so if a client calls in we can quickly retrieve this information. Currently, when we create an activity for his or her review we have to locate that activity (especially if it's planned well in advance)
    Then we can easily export and see who is due for a review

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  18. Know Your Client Options

    There are a few categories under Know Your Client. It would be nice if we could add or remove different categories customizing them to our own business. This way we could better keep track of information for our clients. Ex. having a section for beneficiaries and another section for alternative addresses or trusted contacts or having a section for special notes.

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  19. Add a date field under Financials in the Strategic Allocation Model section

    Having a date field in this section would be great. Understanding risk tolerance needs to be updated every three years, this would be an excellent option to add so we can track when the risk tolerance paperwork will expire.

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  20. In the Know Your Client, Under Written Agreements, can a tab be added for IAC?

    In the Know Your Client, Under Written Agreements, can a tab be added for IAC? (Investment Advisory Contract)

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