Edit/customize account information fields within an account type
Right now the fields within different account types are set, and not always pertaining to applicable features within certain registrations/ investments. Would be nice if the administrator could add/ edit/ remove account specs from the within a specific account type to match what our office would like to see when viewing certain types of accounts in Redtail. For example: just on the account type Variable Annuity, we want a death benefit option to be a list of riders we frequently use or Return of Principal, but it only gives us the options of Level, Increasing, Automatic or Decreasing which only pertain to Life Insurance. There's also not a coverage amount on a VA, so I'd like to remove it from the account page for Variable Annuities, or change the verbage to "Guaranteed Amount". This would make the accounts much more informative on Redtail.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Trey Ryan commented
When creating a new account the Widget should be smart. If you are creating a life insurance policy it should automatically populate the field you actually use for life insurance (death benefit, premium, policy date, etc.) it should do the same thing for all other insurance products as well as brokerage accounts. There is no reason you should have to click on several separate sections just to create one new account. It should give you everything you need in one screen.