Link email to notes/activities
We already have the option to link accounts, contacts, and notes to activities. It would be nice to be able to link client email's to a note or activity to link information/completion of tasks.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Susan Conley commented
I am astounded that we are almost 7 years after this was first suggested, and yet it is not a feature that has been enabled. Come on, Redtail; do better!
Azmina Kermalli commented
Would love to see email history from outlook in redtail notes.
Scott Komarnicki commented
This is a great idea. I just contacted support to see if this is an option. It would make our lives so much easier to be able to connect a specific email to a specific task, activity or appointment.
Tom M. commented
I was disappointed when we added the email archiving feature. It is a CYA/compliance archiving feature and that's pretty much all it is. I anticipated being able to link an email to a note or activity (i.e., Mr. Jones emailed us a withdrawal request). Instead of having to say in the note "Mr Jones emailed us" we can just link the email to an activity or note, and use this as the backup/timeline of the task.
It would also be helpful to show email history with other notes, or at least be able to toggle them on/off in the Notes view.
Anonymous commented
Another issue I have is when we send a client statement or report and have to encrypt per LPL RT captures the email but you cannot read the email or pull the attachment from the client review.
Tammy Duhon commented
It would be helpful to be able to link emails to activities, notes, workflows.
Rachel Housel commented
We would like to be able to link emails in Redtail email history to specific Redtail action items.
Michelle Chen commented
Assign or tied a particular email to a specific category under the notes or tasks.
Michele Tomlinson commented
Can I vote 1,000 times for this?
Jason Labrum commented
Yes, and it would be VERY nice if the emails were in the timeline and history of the notes so we don't have do search different places for notes vs. email. Also when we click on notes it should say Notes/Activities since the history on notes DOES have both.
Mike commented
It would be nice to have the emails that come into the CRM from Redtail Email show up in client notes also so that we do not have to check the client notes and also the email history to get a complete look at client communication.
Craig Mast commented
This needs to happen ASAP! Amen to all of it!
Anonymous commented
The inability to post emails from Outlook directly is the biggest drawback I have found with Redtail since our home office recently made us switch from a different vendor (Smartoffice). In my capacity, I need to send client reviews and analyses to the client's advisor(s), who then communicates the information to the client. This information NEEDS to be saved in the client records in Redtail along with any accompanying attachments. Our previous CRM software had Outlook integration and, after sending an email, I was given the option to save/post the email to a client. I could select yes, and then it asked me which contact(s)/client(s) I wanted to save the email to. I could save it to multiple clients simultaneously and it would appear as an email (with accompanying attachments) in the client's profile along with other client notes. Redtail's method of having to copy the text of an email and paste it into a note (as far as I know without the ability to also save an attachment) is wholly inadequate and requires me to waste a significant amount of time copying emails and pasting them individually as notes and it is even worse if I'm saving info to multiple clients (eg a husband and wife). Additionally, there does not seem to be a way for attachments to be posted/saved along with the note. Great points were also made about being able to save accountant, attorney, etc emails to the client's records as well. Copying & pasting is horribly inefficient and attachments also frequently need to be saved as well.
Mike commented
It would be helpful if all emails from Redtail Email were added to the notes page also. That way all client communication is in one spot instead of having to check notes, and also email history and try to match up dates to put together client communication.
Bobby Petty commented
We have email Archiving with Redtail. This is something that would be helpful for us:
When we send an email to a client through Redtail, we can click "save as a note" to save it as a note, but then we give up having that email stored in the "email History" section. Is it possible to click "save as a note" allowing email end up being a note and being an email in the "email history" section?
Anonymous commented
You currently can only see emails between you and your clients but it would be good to be able to link important emails to a client as a note for others to view or to allow others to view your communication.
Anonymous commented
My team and I recently subscribed to email archiving with redtail. This is a great feature for us to keep track of all emails and correspondence with our clients, but we'd prefer for those emails to show up in the clients note section. This would help us identify when the last contact with the client occurred.
Kyle Mast commented
Yes, this would be a great feature. It would be great to be able to link specific emails that are sent back and forth to clients, to specific tasks/workflows/activities in order to show the communication that went on between the firm and the client to complete the specific task/workflow/activity.
Anonymous commented
The Junxure email integration is great. Especially the ability to add any email (say from an accountant or attorney) into any contact's record, not just the one with the email address saved to it. Revamping the way emails work in Redtail would be a big plus.
Kevin Kroskey commented
We've been using Redtail for nearly 10 years. Email is the biggest area for improvement. We use email so much to communicate with clients and daily find ourselves copying/pasting pertinent content from emails as a note or activity. This probably adds 10-15 minutes daily per staff person multiplied by 5 staff and ~225 work days a year and this causes significant inefficiencies. This equates to about 200 hours of inefficiencies across the 5 person staff at $30/hr average, that's nearly $6K / year. When we're at 10 staff that $12K / year.
At minimum and like Junxure there should be an integration with Outlook giving us the option to save the email as a note or start an activity. Not only does this avoid the copying/pasting, but it also allows the email to be viewed in sequential order with other notes/activities AND NOT completely separate from them when archived.
Not every email needs to be saved as a note. But many do. Having the option is sorely needed. If easier and to save all emails in the notes/activity history would be better than none.
I'm a happy Redtail user but, if this email revamp isn't done, the switching costs to another CRM are soon going to be insignifcant compared to the inefficiencies this causes my staff on a daily basis.